Joining Information for New Starters
Welcome to 36th Melton Mowbray Cub Pack
- All the information below is for yourself giving you information about where you can purchase the Cub Uniform, what your child will be presented with at their investiture, where all Badges go on the Cub Sweatshirt / Jumper and Term Fees information for New Starters
- Additional information for all is also available on the the "Parents Information" Page. Scroll down to the bottom of the Page.
- What Cubs wear: Cub uniform consists of a green sweatshirt with your badges sewn on and a coloured scarf or 'necker’ to represent your local group. There are lots of other optional accessories you can wear such as hats, hoodies, navy blue trousers or shorts.
- Why uniform is important: Wearing a uniform is comfy and practical. It means no one feels uncomfortable or left out and helps everyone feel part of the Pack. It also gives you a place to show off all the badges you earn.
Were I can buy the Cub Uniform
- The Cubs Uniform is available from Melton Sports, King Street on the Pedestrianised Footpath located near the Cinema.
- When purchasing a Green Sweatshirt / Jumper get a larger Size as your child is likely to be a member of the Cub Pack for up to 2 to 3 Years and will grow during this period.
Your Child's Investiture
- In Scouting we like to make it special for anyone becoming an official member of our Cub Pack. After your child has been attending for 5 to 7 Weeks it is time for thier invstiture in the Cub Pack
- We supply the Badges (Right) a the Group Necker Presented at your child's investiture. The Yellow (Moving On) Badge is given to Beavers only who join.
The Cub Investitiure
- Your child will be asked to try a learn the Cub Law and Cub Promise. During the investiture they reapeat this after Akela.
- During the Investiture they will be asked two Questions to which they reply "Yes Akela"
- The Cub Law: Cub Scouts always do they best, thinks off others before themselves, and do a good turn every day.
- The Cub Promise: I Promise that I will do my best, do my duty to (God / Scouting) and the King, Help other People, and keep the Cub Scout Law.
- Your child would be one of many new starters invested at the same time.
Were to put the Badges on the Sweatshirt / Jumper
- Your child will achieved many Badges to show their achievements during their time in our Cub Pack
- Below shows where the Badges go on the Sweatshirt / Jumper.
- The preferred option is that Badges are sewn on.
- Alternatively Badge Glue is available from shops if this is an easier option for you.
Term Fees for the first whole Term
- For New Starters the first Whole Term when your child joins Membership Term Fees are half Price at £20. It is then full Price at £40 the Whole Term after.
- If your child has joined from the Beavers it is £40 because they are already a member in Scouting
- Autumn Term: August to December
- Winter Term: January to March / April
- Spring / Summer Term: April to July
- More information about Membership Term Fees can be found on the "Parents Information" Page