Contact page
Enquiry's for the Cub Pack. We will do are best to respond asap. Please note all Adults are Volunteers.
- If sending an Email Please also include a Contact Number so you can be contacted by the Cub Leader or phone Mobile 07554 444794
- Our Cub Pack Meeting every Thursday during the School Term from 7pm to 8.30pm
Cub Membership Details
- Our Cub Pack Maximum Number is 32 Cubs.
- We operate four lists of priority for Joining the Cubs Section. These are a Joining List, Moving from another Area, Other Enquiries and a Waiting List
- Joining List: These are members of our Beaver Section who have priority for joining followed by any New Starters Under 8 who are due to join.
- Moving from another Area: We always try and accommodate anyone who is a Current Member in the Cubs and moving to Melton Mowbray or the Surrounding Area.
- Other Enquiries: These are enquiries of Cub Age for which there is space for them to join our Cub Pack.
- Waiting List: This for anyone old enough to be a member of the Cub Section for which we sadly don’t have any space currently for them to join.