What to know more about the Cub Section ?
Activities your child will do whilst in Cub Scouting
- Scouting has a massive selection of Activities available. Lots of these are seasonal and some that can be done all year round.
- All these Activities go towards Badges and Awards. There is more information about these on this page.
- However these Activities are only possible with the all the regular Adults and help from parental support.
- Pictured is a selection of some of the exciting activities that your child is likely to experience.
The Cub Programme
- About Cubs: When your child joins the Cub Section, they will be introduced to lots of new activities, people and things. Here's everything you need to know.
- Become an expert in something you love, or try something shiny and new. Activity / Staged Badges: From athletics and astronomy to Nights Away and Naturalist there’s something for everyone.
- Challenge Awards: Completing Challenge Awards lets you do more, learn more and be more. See what’s on offer and start your journey to the top.
Activity and Staged Badges to show their Achievement's.
- Badges can be earned as a whole Cub Pack or individually.
- We do one or more Activity / Staged Badges per Team as a Cub Pack.
- To find out about Activity / Staged Badges (click on the links in bold).
Cub Challenge Awards
- Our World + Our Skills are complete every other Year during the Autumn Term.
- Our Outdoors + Our Adventure is mainly complete during the Spring / Summer Term when we have the lighter evenings.
- TeamWork, Team Leader and Personal Challenge will be complete during your child's time in our Cub Pack.
- To Find out about Challenge Awards (click on the link in bold).
Chief Scout Silver Award
- The Chief Scout Silver Award (click on the link in bold) is the highest award achieved by your child.
- To complete it, you need to earn six Activity or Staged Activity Badges, as well as all seven of the Challenge Awards.
How much does being in the Cubs Section cost ?
- Scouting is a very affordable in this challenging times for any family wanting their child to get involved in this fantastic organisation.
- Membership Term Fees are only £40 a Term, Paid 3 Times a Year.
- This works out throughout the year only £3.50 a night, based on your child also missing an average of 5 Evenings of the 39 Evenings throughout the year.
- There are also other optional costs for Nights Away Experience's and Trips that are kept at a very reasonable price.
Interested to find out more ?
Below is a link for contacting us about more information.